Five Simple Ways to Give Thanks This Holiday Season

Five Simple Ways to Give Thanks This Holiday Season

Although we may not be gathering with relatives for a big Thanksgiving dinner, we can look for new ways to express our gratitude and stay connected to loved ones. Here are five COVID-friendly ways you can give thanks this holiday season.


You can donate a Thanksgiving dinner to a family or person's need, drop off gently used clothes at a donation bin, or send a check to your favorite charity or cause. A small gesture can go a long way and if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s the importance of kindness and looking out for each other.

Virtual Cooking Session

Let’s be honest, the magic happens in the kitchen during Thanksgiving. Meal prep can be a generational experience where wisdom is learned and passed down. We can still have this shared experience thanks to Zoom and FaceTime.

Write Letters or Notes

Write letters or notes to your loved ones and others, letting them know the many ways you’re thankful for having them in your life. In a world where our mail consists of advertisements and Amazon packages, it’s a nice surprise to receive kind words from a loved one, friend, or anyone that has had an impact on you, big or small.

Play a Game

Zoom has a fantastic scavenger hunt feature, you can play Bingo, or even a simple game of Go Fish virtually.

Hug Those in Your Household a Little Tighter

Make sure to take a moment to appreciate those in your company by being present and hugging them a little tighter this Thanksgiving.

While we may be celebrating Thanksgiving in a different way, show and express gratitude for what you have and for the wonderful people in your life. How are you celebrating Thanksgiving this year? Let me know in the comments and thank you for taking the time to read BilusOnBoston and for being in my life.

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