Wall Art Trends to Know

Wall Art Trends to Know

As we spend more time in our homes, we want them to reflect our personal style, be comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing. Updating what’s on your walls is an easy way to give your home a new look and feel. Read on for some of the wall art trends you should know if you’re thinking of revamping your space. 

Gallery Walls

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Gallery walls are immensely popular right now. They are a great way to showcase your personal style in your home. All you need is a blank wall! Hot tip – if you’re not necessarily the creative type, but love this look, websites like Etsy bundle prints for sale and come with size guides/layouts to help achieve this look.


Image via Pinterest

Biophilic design is another hot trend with staying power. The definition of the word means that humans have innate connections and are drawn to nature. We saw this with the pandemic as people sought out nature and green space. Studies have even shown that looking at a photo of nature can reduce stress. Living walls such as the one pictured above are a great choice, but if you don’t have a green thumb, even a framed picture of a tree could help you decompress after a long day!


Image via Pinterest

Wallpaper is back and thanks to technological advancements, the possibilities are endless! I prefer a soft motif such as in the photo above, but there are geometrical patterns, bold color combinations, animals, and so many more options trending right now.


Similar to a gallery wall, with less margin for error, is the picture ledge which also makes a space feel more dimensional. You don’t have to use photos. You can display books, candles, trinkets or whatever, to add interest to a blank wall.


Less is more! Monochromatic, textured artwork is popping up left and right. It’s not an imitation of some other thing. The viewer is meant to respond only to what is in front of them.


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